Bone Cancer



 The most common symptom of bone cancer is pain, but not all bone cancers cause pain. Constant or unusual pain or bump in or near a bone could have been caused by cancer or by other conditions.  Symptoms may have been caused by other, less serious health condition but anyone who is experiencing these symptoms should see a doctor.

·         Pain at the tumor location

·         Swelling or a lump at the location of the tumor

·         Deep bone pain severe enough to wake you up

·         Bone fracture ( rarely)

·         Unexplained weight loss

·         Fatigue

·         Trouble breathing

·         Fever or night sweats



If you develop signs or symptoms that may indicate bone cancer, such as unexplained bone pain. This may not necessarily mean you have bone cancer but it is always safer to determine if the tumor is cancerous or not. Bone pain is most commonly caused by injury or arthritis, and most bone tumors are benign.